Results for 'Mm H. Mébville'

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  1.  19
    Discussion: Sur le Principe formel de la pensée.D. Christoff Mm H. Mébville - 1953 - Dialectica 7 (2):95-98.
    ZusammenfassungPrinzipien und Dialektik. Zwei Arten Dialektik: Die Rückkehr zum «Anhypoteton» und das dialektisierende Denken. Beide Tendenzen sind gleichsam charakterisiert durch die Hervorhebung der Aktivität des Denkens. Das formale Denken aber sucht den Ursprung dieser Aktivität, während das dialektisierende Denken deren Anwendung feststellen will. Auf dem Suchen nach einem ersten Ursprung ist das formale Denken in Gefahr bloss formale Bedingungen zu erreichen. Das dialektisierende Denken will aber nur die Orientierung in dem gegebenen gegenwärtigen Suchen feststellen; dabei scheint es die Idee einer (...)
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    Discussion: Sur le Principe formel de la pensée.Mm H. Mébville, D. Christoff, S. Gagnebin & Et F. Gonseth - 1953 - Dialectica 7 (2):95-98.
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    Discussion: Sur le Principe formel de la pensée.M. M. H. Mébville, D. Christoff, S. Gagnebin & Et F. Gonseth - 1953 - Dialectica 7 (2):95-98.
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    Adriaan Kluit's statistics and the future of the Dutch state from a European perspective.Koen Stapelbroek, Ida H. Stamhuis & Paul Mm Klep - 2010 - History of European Ideas 36 (2):217-235.
    This article discusses the early history of academic statistics in the Netherlands in relation to the reform challenges of the Dutch state. Statistics, before it developed into a predominantly quantitative social science, was adopted around 1800 by Adriaan Kluit as a method for shaping and articulating his political vision. Kluit's politics, the article suggests, echoed the specific outlook on the ‘intrinsic power’ of the Dutch Republic as a trading state that was developed during William IV's stadholderate in the mid eighteenth (...)
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    Əli Əsgər Məmmədovun “Ərəb dili” kitabına dair.Vüsalə Məmmədova - 2023 - Metafizika 6 (3):119-123.
    Dünyada müxtəlif dillər mövcuddur. Hal-hazırda əlavə xarici dil öyrənməyə maraq artmaqdadır. Təbii ki bu hər bir şəxsin öz istəyinə və seçiminə bağlıdır. Yəni hər kəs, hər hansı bir dili öyrəndiyi zaman, qarşısında iki məqsəd dayanır; ya o dili sevir, ya da o dili öyrənmək onun üçün lazımdır. Hər bir vətəndaşın borcudur ki, əvvəlcə öz ana dilini mükəmməl şəkildə öyrənsin. Lakin elm və texnologiyanın yüksək inkişaf etdiyi bir zamanda yalnız ana dilini bilmək kifayət etmir. İnsanın hər bir sahədə inkişafı üçün bacardığı (...)
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  6.  30
    Teaching bioethics in Brazil.Jose Eduardo Je Siqueira, M. H. Mh Sakai, M. M. F. Mm Campos & L. L. Cordoni - 2002 - Developing World Bioethics 2 (2):104.
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    An annotated bibliography of Byzantine studies.P. Schreiner, C. SCholz, P. Grossmann, A. MoffAtt, Kristoffel Demoen, V. GjuzeleV, F. TinneFeld, Mm Mango, J. Herrin, E. JEffreys, C. Jolivet-Levy, P. Odorico, A. KArpozelos, T. Kolias, J. Albani, A. AcconciA Longo, E. FolliEri, E. KislingEr, H. Wada, L. Maksimovic, W. Aerts, J. Koder, E. GamillschEg, M. Grunbart, M. SaloMon, E. PopEscu, S. Bliznjuk, P. KarPov, Jn Lyubarskii, J. Rosenqvist, Y. Otuken, I. SIgnes, T. Olajos, A. Cutler, W. Kaegi, Am Talbot, M. Stassinopoulou, A. Muller, C. Troelsgard, J. Diethart, E. Trapp, E. VElkovska, C. Katsougiannopoulou, B. Schellewald, C. Morrisson, V. IVanisevic, E. Oberlander-Tarnoveanu, W. Seibt, F. Goria & S. TroianoS - 1999 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 92 (1):178-432.
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    A bibliography of recent publications in Byzantine studies.P. Schreiner, C. SCholz, P. Grossmann, A. MoffAtt, Kristoffel Demoen, E. TinnEfeld, Mm Mango, J. Herrin, G. Jeffreys, C. Jolivet-Levy, P. Odorico, A. KArpozelos, T. Kolias, J. Albani, S. Kalopissi-Verti, E. FolliEri, E. KislingEr, H. Wada, W. Aerts, J. Koder, E. GamillschEg, M. Grunbart, M. SaloMon, S. Bliznjuk, P. KarPov, Yn Lyubarskii, J. Rosenqvist, A. YAsinovskyi, T. Olajos, A. Cutler, W. Kaegi, Am Talbot, M. Stassinopoulou, A. Muller, J. Diethart, E. Trapp, C. Katsougiannopoulou, B. Schellewald, W. Seibt & T. Goria - 1997 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 90 (2):507-616.
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  9.  36
    A bibliography of Byzantine studies.P. Schriener, C. SCholz, P. Grossmann, A. MoffAtt, Kristoffel Demoen, W. Brandes, Vf Tinnefeld, Mm Mango, C. Jolivet-Levy, P. Odorico, A. KArpozilos, T. Kolias, J. Albani, S. Kalopissi-Verti, E. FolliEri, A. AcconciA Longo, E. KislingEr, H. Wada, W. Aerts, M. Grunbart, M. SalaMon, Jn Ljubarskij, J. Rosenqvist, Y. Otuken, A. YAsinovskyi, T. Olajos, A. Cutler, W. Kaegi, Am Talbot, D. Triantaphyllopulos, M. Stassinopoulou, A. Muller, J. Diethart, E. Trapp, C. Troelsgard, C. Katsougiannopoulou, C. Morrisson, E. Oberlander-Tarnoveanu, W. Seibt, D. Feissel, F. Goria & S. TroianoS - 1999 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 92 (2):557-810.
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    “Heydər Əliyev və Azərbaycan nitq mədəniyyəti (I cild)” kitabı haqqında dəyərləndirmə. [REVIEW]Məhəmmədəli Məlikov - 2023 - Metafizika 6 (2):132-137.
    Nağdəli Zamanov 1961-ci ildə Kəlbəcər rayonunun Keştək kəndində anadan olmuşdur. 1979-1985-ci illərdə ATİ-nin II müalicə profilaktika fakultəsində təhsil almışdır. 2012-ci ildən “Qızıl qələm” mükafatı laureatıdır və həmçinin Azərbaycan aşıq poeziyasının inkişafında xüsusi xidməti və aşıq poeziyasında uğurlar qazandığı görə isə “Aşıq Ələsgər-200” yubiley medalı ilə təltif edilmişdir.
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  11.  48
    (1 other version)Roman Games Recherches sur les Jeux romains: Notes d'Archéologie et d'Histoire religieuse. André Piganiol. One vol. 250 mm. × 165 mm. Pp. vi + 155, 2 plates (full-page). Strasbourg: Librairie Istra; Oxford University Press, 1923. Fr. 8 (3s. 6d.). [REVIEW]H. J. Rose - 1923 - The Classical Review 37 (5-6):134-.
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    Outline-History of Greek Religion. By Lewis Richard Farnell. One vol. 185 × 125 mm. Pp. 91. London: Duckworth and Co., 1920. [REVIEW]H. J. Rose - 1922 - The Classical Review 36 (7-8):192-192.
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    Americana Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. Vol. XXXII. 220 × 145 mm. Pp. 186. One illustration in text and one plate. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press; London: Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, 1921. 6s. 6d. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, 1920. Vol. LI. 240 × 160 mm. Pp. lxxi + 187. Published by the Association through its Secretary, Adelbert College, Cleveland, Ohio. $2.00. [REVIEW]H. J. Rose - 1922 - The Classical Review 36 (7-8):185-186.
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  14. Mashrab al-ʻāmm wa-al-khāṣṣ min kalimat al-ikhlāṣ.al-Ḥasan ibn Masʻūd Yūsī - 2000 - Binjadyah, al-Dār al-Bayḍāʼ: Ḥ. Ḥamānī. Edited by Ḥamīd Ḥamānī.
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    Mammalian D‐cysteine: A novel regulator of neural progenitor cell proliferation.Robin Roychaudhuri & Solomon H. Snyder - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (7):2200002.
    D‐amino acids are being recognized as functionally important molecules in mammals. We recently identified endogenous D‐cysteine in mammalian brain. D‐cysteine is present in neonatal brain in substantial amounts (mM) and decreases with postnatal development. D‐cysteine binds to MARCKS and a host of proteins implicated in cell division and neurodevelopmental disorders. D‐cysteine decreases phosphorylation of MARCKS in neural progenitor cells (NPCs) affecting its translocation. D‐cysteine controls NPC proliferation by inhibiting AKT signaling. Exogenous D‐cysteine inhibits AKT phosphorylation at Thr 308 and Ser (...)
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  16.  22
    MM Prof. J. H. Dave Felicitation Volume.E. G. & S. A. Upadhyaya - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (1):212.
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    Time-frequency signatures evoked by single-pulse deep brain stimulation to the subcallosal cingulate.Ezra E. Smith, Ki Sueng Choi, Ashan Veerakumar, Mosadoluwa Obatusin, Bryan Howell, Andrew H. Smith, Vineet Tiruvadi, Andrea L. Crowell, Patricio Riva-Posse, Sankaraleengam Alagapan, Christopher J. Rozell, Helen S. Mayberg & Allison C. Waters - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Precision targeting of specific white matter bundles that traverse the subcallosal cingulate has been linked to efficacy of deep brain stimulation for treatment resistant depression. Methods to confirm optimal target engagement in this heterogenous region are now critical to establish an objective treatment protocol. As yet unexamined are the time-frequency features of the SCC evoked potential, including spectral power and phase-clustering. We examined these spectral features—evoked power and phase clustering—in a sample of TRD patients with implanted SCC stimulators. Electroencephalogram was (...)
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    Upward Shifts in the Internal Representation of Frequency Can Persist Over a 3-Year Period for Cochlear Implant Patients Fit With a Relatively Short Electrode Array.Michael F. Dorman, Sarah C. Natale, Jack H. Noble & Daniel M. Zeitler - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Patients fit with cochlear implants commonly indicate at the time of device fitting and for some time after, that the speech signal sounds abnormal. A high pitch or timbre is one component of the abnormal percept. In this project, our aim was to determine whether a number of years of CI use reduced perceived upshifts in frequency spectrum and/or voice fundamental frequency. The participants were five individuals who were deaf in one ear and who had normal hearing in the other (...)
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  19. Lettres de MM. E. Castelli, J. Devolvé, H. Gouhier, J. Maréchal.G. Berger - 1933 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 7.
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  20.  25
    Subcellular mobility of the calpain/calpastatin network: an organelle transient.Joshua L. Hood, William H. Brooks & Thomas L. Roszman - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (8):850-859.
    Calpain (Cp) is a calcium (Ca2+)‐dependent cysteine protease. Activation of the major isoforms of Cp, CpI and CpII, are required for a number of important cellular processes including adherence, shape change and migration. The current concept that cytoplasmic Cp locates and associates with its regulatory subunit (Rs) and substrates as well as translocates throughout the cell via random diffusion is not compatible with the spatial and temporal constraints of cellular metabolism. The novel finding that Cp and Rs function relies upon (...)
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  21.  86
    Issman S.. Exposé de H. B. Curry. Logique et analyse , n.s. vol. 2 , pp. 30–31.Issman S.. Exposé de J. H. Woodger. Logique et analyse , n.s. vol. 2 , p. 31.Issman S.. Exposé de K. Ajdukiewicz. Logique et analyse , n.s. vol. 2 , pp. 31–34.Loreau J.. Discussions sur les rapports de MM. Scarpelli et Ross. Logique et analyse , n.s. vol. 2 , pp. 35–41.Loreau J.. Discussion générale. Logique et analyse , n.s. vol. 2 , pp. 44–47. [REVIEW]A. Robinson - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (1):91-91.
  22.  17
    Şeydabəy Məmmədovun tədqiqatlarında M.F.Axundzadə: Sovetlər dövrünün kontekstində tənqidi təhlil.Zaur Rashidov - 2023 - Metafizika 6 (4):160-182.
    Sovetlər dönəmində ictimai elmlər, xüsusən də, daha çox ideolojiləşmiş sahələrdən biri olmuş fəlsəfə, hakim ideologiyanın kursunu tutmağa çalışırdı. Bu cəhət isə, fəlsəfə və fəlsəfə tarixi ilə bağlı aparılan tədqiqatların obyektivliyinə kifayət qədər xələl gətirirdi. XX əsrin Sovet fəlsəfə tarixçisi olan Şeydabəy Məmmədovun (1912-1984) Mirzə Fətəli Axundzadənin ictimai-fəlsəfi görüşlərinin təhlili ilə bağlı tədqiqatları da, bu mənada, ideoloji xarakteri ilə seçilməkdədirlər. Ş.Məmmədov tədqiq etdiyi Axundzadəni görmək istədiyi kimi göstərməyə çalışır. Onun tədqiqatları Axundzadənin irsini araşdırmaqdan daha çox, böyük maarifçini müasirləşdirmək və Sovetlər dönəminin (...)
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    Praxis und Poiesis. Zu einer handlungstheoretischen Unterscheidung des Aristoteles.Theodor Ebert - 1976 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 30 (1):12 - 30.
    I try to show that Aristotle does not restrict 'praxis' to those activities which have their end in themselves. NE VI 5, 1140b6-7 need not to be taken as an argument in favour of the restricted interpretation: the wording of the passage is compatible with the interpretation that the end of a praxis is (another) praxis (e.g. eupraxia), the end of a poiesis on the other hand is never a poiesis. This interpretation fits better the use of 'praxis' throughout the (...)
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  24.  10
    Herrn Eugen Dührings Umwälzung der Wissenschaft (Großdruck): (»Anti-Dühring«).Friedrich Engels & Conrad Schmidt - 1928 - Dietz Nachfolger G.M.B.H.
    Friedrich Engels: Herrn Eugen Dührings Umwälzung der Wissenschaft. (Anti-Dühring) Lesefreundlicher Großdruck in 16-pt-Schrift Großformat, 210 x 297 mm Berliner Ausgabe, 2019 Durchgesehener Neusatz mit einer Biographie des Autors bearbeitet und eingerichtet von Theodor Borken Erstdruck in: Vorwärts (Leipzig), 3.1.1877 - 7.7.1878. Erste Buchausgabe, Leipzig 1878. Der Text folgt der letzten von Engels durchgesehenen und vermehrten Ausgabe, Stuttgart (J.H.W. Dietz) 1894. Textgrundlage ist die Ausgabe: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels: Werke. Herausgegeben vom Institut für Marxismus-Leninismus beim ZK der SED, 43 Bände, Band (...)
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    What Model Companionship Can Say About the Continuum Problem.Giorgio Venturi & Matteo Viale - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (2):546-585.
    We present recent results on the model companions of set theory, placing them in the context of a current debate in the philosophy of mathematics. We start by describing the dependence of the notion of model companionship on the signature, and then we analyze this dependence in the specific case of set theory. We argue that the most natural model companions of set theory describe (as the signature in which we axiomatize set theory varies) theories of $H_{\kappa ^+}$, as $\kappa (...)
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  26.  51
    Reponses a des signaux mecaniques: Communications inter et intracellulaires chez les vegetauxResponses to mechanical signals: inter and intracellular communications in plants.M. O. Desbiez, J. Boissay, P. Bonnin, P. Bourgeade, N. Boyer, G. de Jaegher, J. M. Frachisse, C. Henry & J. L. Julien - 2016 - Acta Biotheoretica 39 (3):299-308.
    In their environment, plants are continuously submitted to natural stimuli such as wind, rain, temperature changes, wounding, etc. These signals induce a cascade of events which lead to metabolic and morphogenetic responses. In this paper the different steps are described and discussed starting from the reception of the signal by a plant organ to the final morphogenetic response. In our laboratory two plants are studied: Bryonia dioica for which rubbing the internode results in reduced elongation and enhanced radial expansion and (...)
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  27. Conceptual analysis and special-interest science: toxicology and the case of Edward Calabrese.Kristin Shrader-Frechette - 2010 - Synthese 177 (3):449 - 469.
    One way to do socially relevant investigations of science is through conceptual analysis of scientific terms used in special-interest science (SIS). SIS is science having welfare-related consequences and funded by special interests, e.g., tobacco companies, in order to establish predetermined conclusions. For instance, because the chemical industry seeks deregulation of toxic emissions and avoiding costly cleanups, it funds SIS that supports the concept of "hormesis" (according to which low doses of toxins/carcinogens have beneficial effects). Analyzing the hormesis concept of its (...)
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  28.  48
    Generic Chaplaincy: Providing Spiritual Care in a Post-Christian Age.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 1998 - Christian Bioethics 4 (3):231-238.
    H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.; Generic Chaplaincy: Providing Spiritual Care in a Post-Christian Age, Christian bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morali.
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    The liberal view of receptacles.H. Hudson - 2002 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 80 (4):432 – 439.
  30.  46
    Martin’s maximum revisited.Matteo Viale - 2016 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 55 (1-2):295-317.
    We present several results relating the general theory of the stationary tower forcing developed by Woodin with forcing axioms. In particular we show that, in combination with class many Woodin cardinals, the forcing axiom MM++ makes the Π2\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\Pi_2}$$\end{document}-fragment of the theory of Hℵ2\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${H_{\aleph_2}}$$\end{document} invariant with respect to stationary set preserving forcings that preserve BMM. We argue that this is a promising generalization to (...)
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  31. Causality and Causal Laws in Kant. A Critique of Michael Friedman.H. Allison - 2009 - In P. Kerszberg, J. Petitot & M. Bitbol (eds.), Constituting Objectivity. Transcendental Perspectives on Modern Physics. Hal Ccsd. pp. 291-307.
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  32. Sunnat-i rawshanʹandīshī dar Islām va Gharb: nigāh-i taṭbīqī bih mabānī-i falsafah-ʼi rawshanʹandīshī va falsafah-ʼi mushāʼ-i Islāmī.Ḥasan Akhlāq - 2009 - Tihrān: Amīr Kabīr. Edited by Yaḥyá Yas̲ribī.
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  33. Nīchah, tabārʹshināsī, tārīkh-i ḥaqīqat va qudrat.Ḥasīb Allāh Amīn - 2011 - [Afghanistan]: Maṭbaʻah-i Arghandīvāl.
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  34. Aḍāḥī manṭiq al-jawhar: taṭbīq muqāyasāt al-manṭiq al-ḥayawī ʻalá ʻayyināt min al-khiṭāb al-Islāmī al-muʻāṣir: madrasat Dimashq lil-manṭiq al-ḥayawī: dirāsah.Ḥamzah Rastanāwī - 2009 - Dimashq: Dār al-Farqad lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Prevailing rationales in the corporate social responsibility debate.H. F. Sohn - 1982 - Journal of Business Ethics 1 (2):139 - 144.
    The literature on corporate responsibility contains a wide range of arguments for business sector involvement in matters of social and political community. Some writers argue for extensive involvement, while others draw relatively narrow boundaries around the appropriate sphere of a company's nonbusiness activity. One way to classify and clarify these various views is to examine each in light of the notion of business-society relationship which underlies it. Four ways of understanding the business-society relationship are articulated here, together with the arguments (...)
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    Learning problem solving strategies using refinement and macro generation.H. Altay Güvenir & George W. Ernst - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 44 (1-2):209-243.
  37.  17
    The Crisis of Philosophy, by Michael H. McCarthy.A. H. Lesser - 1992 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 23 (2):192-193.
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    Women, forced caesareans and antenatal responsibilities.H. Draper - 1996 - Journal of Medical Ethics 22 (6):327-333.
    In the UK in October 1992, Mrs S was forced to have a caesarean section despite her objections to such a procedure on religious grounds. The case once again called into question the obligations of women to the unborn, and also whether one person can be forced to undergo a medical procedure for the benefit of someone else. Re S, like the case of Angela Carder, is often discussed in terms of the conflict between maternal and fetal rights. This paper (...)
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    Die Sâmkhya-philosophie.Richard Garbe - 1894 - Leipzig,: H. Haessel.
    Richard Garbe: Die Samkhya-Philosophie Lesefreundlicher Großdruck in 16-pt-Schrift Neben dem Vedanta ist das Samkhya die maßgebliche Richtung vedischen Denkens. Der Mathematiker und Indologe Richard Garbe analysiert die Ursprünge dieses ältesten philosophischen Systems indischer Herkunft. Großformat, 210 x 297 mm Berliner Ausgabe, 2019 Durchgesehener Neusatz bearbeitet und eingerichtet von Theodor Borken 1894 nach den Quellen von Richard Garbe. Als Kernzeit der Samkhya-Strömung gilt die Zeit von 400 bis 700 n. Chr. Textgrundlage ist die Ausgabe: Die Sâṃkhya-Philosophie. Eine Darstellung des indischen Rationalismus. (...)
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    Education in the Jewish State.H. A. Alexander - 2000 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 19 (5/6):491-507.
    This essay argues that schooling in Israel is tied too closely to ideology. This results in an indoctrinary orientation that contributes to divisiveness and imperils Israeli democracy. After reviewing and critiquing the roots of this orientation, I advance an alternative that understands education as an agent of the good rather than ideology. Israeli schooling requires a vision of goodness broad enough to encompass competing conceptions of Jewish life espoused by the majority as well as non-Jewish orientations affirmed by various minorities. (...)
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    Computer Reliability and Public Policy: Limits of Knowledge of Computer-Based Systems*: JAMES H. FETZER.James H. Fetzer - 1996 - Social Philosophy and Policy 13 (2):229-266.
    Perhaps no technological innovation has so dominated the second half of the twentieth century as has the introduction of the programmable computer. It is quite difficult if not impossible to imagine how contemporary affairs—in business and science, communications and transportation, governmental and military activities, for example—could be conducted without the use of computing machines, whose principal contribution has been to relieve us of the necessity for certain kinds of mental exertion. The computer revolution has reduced our mental labors by means (...)
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  42. The Cross in the Old Testament.H. Wheeler Robinson - 1956
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  43. Designing the structures of discrete solid-alloy elements for broaching the holes of significant diameter based on the assessment of their strength.Ya Nemyrovskyi, I. Shepelenko, E. Posviatenko, Yu Tsekhanov, S. Polotnyak, Sergii Sardak, V. Bandura & Yu Paladiichuk - 2020 - Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 3 (7):57-65.
    This paper addresses the issues related to designing and estimating the strength of solid-alloy elements in the deforming broaches of significant diameter (exceeding 150 mm) for the developed process of discrete broaching. The tool limit condition was assessed based on two strength criteria: the specific potential energy of shape change and the maximum tangent stresses. Numerical modeling using the finite element method has made it possible to derive the distribution of equivalent stresses in the tool elements and the contact stresses (...)
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    The objectivity of quantum probabilities.H. Krips - 1989 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 67 (4):423 – 431.
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    A note on the indian syllogism.H. N. Randle - 1924 - Mind 33 (132):398-414.
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    Syméon le Nouveau Théologien, Catéchèses 23-34, ed. B. Krivochéine-J. Paramelle.H. M. Biedermann - 1967 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 60 (2):347-347.
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    Zu Ciceros Academica prior. II.H. Deiter - 1894 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 52 (1-4):159-159.
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    Zu Cicero ad familiares.H. Deiter - 1895 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 54 (1-4):177-177.
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  49.  7
    Re-Formation der Reformation: das Wort und die ursprüngliche Geste.H. M. Emrich - 2020 - Berlin: Lit. Edited by Lydia-Maria Emrich & Cornelia Gerbothe.
    Geleitwort von Prof. P. Nicki -- Dr. Hermann Freund im Gespräch mit Prof. Dr. Dr. Hinderk M. Emrich -- Die Angst und der existentielle Sprung -- Die neue Zeit -- Der gedachte Gott -- Wie kommt das Ich zum Du? - Hysterie als Lebensform -- Was heisst, sich entscheiden? - Zur Theologie der Freiheit -- Re-formation der Reformation -- Das metaphysische und zugleich dämonische Wesen des Schlosses in Franz Kafkas Schloss-Roman -- Nachwort von Wolfgang Teichert: Epiphanie oder wo sprechende Philosophie (...)
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  50.  13
    27. Zu den bruchstüclten der homerischen dichter.Κ. H. Funkhaenel - 1849 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 4 (1-4):744-750.
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